Friday, June 19, 2009

Delayed Responses

I was mincing some dill and sage to put in the dumplings when, as usual, I thought of Dad's dumplings. His mother had taught him how to make cut dumplings and for years our family enjoyed the chicken and dumplings he made. Several years ago he and mom came up for a visit and I made chicken and dumplings for them. Mom said she "liked" them but Dad was vocal in his criticism. "Your Grandmother knew how to make good dumplings. These are drop dumplings! It's not the same, Bill, just not the same. I don't know if I can eat these."
Well, he did eat them and I bet he sort of "liked" them, but every time I make dumplings I think about Dad's cut dumplings. It's like making a pie crust, you need a sizable clear space to roll out the dough, then you have to cut them and set them aside to toughen up. They are great, but my drop dumplings are fine too, especially with fresh dill and sage in them. But I have decided, and you can hold me to this, that the next time I make dumplings, just for Dad I will roll and cut them. I bet Margaret will like them so much she won't let me make the drop kind anymore. That would make Dad chuckle, wherever he is now. I bet Grandma is cooking for him and I bet she's trying new things he won't approve of. Dad needs to loosen up, especially now that he's dead.

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