I may not know a lot of things about a lot of things, but one thing I'm pretty good on is recognizing patterns. Seems like most people ignore obvious patterns, preferring instead to pay attention to preconceived notions about the probable outcome. They also have bought into the crazy notion of probabilities. For instance you are always hearing someone say, "What's the chance of something like that happening?" when the event has already happened. Obviously the chances were 100% that it would happen. The whole freaking universe spent an infinite amount of time making it happen. Or it could not have happened. There are two possibilities for any event: 0% and 100%. If you want to get mathematical then call it 50/50. It either will or won't happen. Simple. All this crap about a 1 in 5 chance or a 1 in a million is just words flapping in the breeze. It either will happen or it won't. There are an infinite number of things that have to be in place for it to happen a certain way, but since that holds true for it not happening a certain way, given the nature of infinity, all you need to know is the pattern of the immediate universe and you can see which way it's headed. So you need to be able to understand patterns to see the way the universe is going.
And you need to understand that words are math based. The early Jews had this way of writing on multiple levels, assigning numbers to letters and making math problems out of paragraphs and the resulting equations created new words giving them new knowledge. Is that not a cool way to use your time as you sit in a stinking desert surrounded by herds of sheep and goats and sexy daughters climbing into your bed to give you that son you always wanted? Assuming it wasn't a drunk daddy climbing into the sexy daughter's bed and then later writing that it was the other way around. After all, given the number of patriarchs in the Old Testament, what's the chances one of them is a child molester who like math and writes in his journal? About 100%.
And then there's the Tetragrammaton. YHWH is the best they can offer as a name for the deity who gave them the okay to have sex with their daughters and slit their son's throats while planning to go into the next city and burn the buildings, kill the men and have sex with their sexy wives while selling their children into slavery. Sometimes when days were long you'd find sons selling younger sons into slavery. Nice group of folks, the early Jews. Funny thing, they thought so too. They wrote about it, bragged about it and spawned a couple thousand sects of variations on the theme. What's the chance two of those variants would still be around today feeding the same deity with that funny unpronounceable name? About 100%.
YHWH is the equation of introduction to the entity that they created to approve of their midnight drunken wanderings and subsequent burning, raping and looting. I just can't get over the similarities to Charlie Mansion and his crowd. I often wonder what's the chance Charlie got the equation right and opened up a channel to the One True God who then told him to burn, rape and kill and all the souls he took down would be his slaves in the afterlife. Because that's pretty much what both Osama and Billy Graham have said to their followers. Well, maybe Pat Robertson. I think Billy mostly said "Bring me gold". What's the chance of the Old Testament God coming back into full steam and giving us that old time religion all over again? yup. 100%
Now, when George said we were going into the old hometown, the Mideast, and kill, rape and torture he didn't say that exactly, but he certainly left it obvious. He covered it up with a shawl or decency, by American standards. Patriotism, pre-emptive self-defense, get them before they get us and all that. But essentially we are doing what the Old Testament said true believers should do. And in exchange you get to rape their women, take their gold.... after sending a cut of it to Pat Robertson.... and sell their children into slavery. We don't call it slavery now; we call it welfare or even workfare.
What about the sacrifices, the slitting of the boy's throats stuff? Possibly you don't get the Internet, newspapers or TV, but there's a fair amount of decapitation going on out there. There's also the simple expediency of dropping a 500-lb. bomb on a wedding party, knowing that there's a 50/50 chance somebody will lose their head in the explosion. And there will be lots of blood. So He is getting His blood sacrifices. Oddly enough, the Pres keeps using the term 'sacrifice' and nobody seems to notice that the Pres says we need more sacrifices, that we all have to sacrifice and in the End (of times) everything will be worth it. He says we need to sacrifice more because we have sacrificed so much already, we need bodies heaped on bodies. Gee, it's starting to sound like maybe YHWH is also the God of the Aztecs, ain't it? What's the chances a near-infinite deity could have landed in several points around the planet demanding human sacrifices and rewarding the faithful with lots of sexy boys and girls and gold? 100%
This is starting to read like a shampoo bottle.
Now, yesterday Morgan Freeman was being interviewed by Tavis Smiley and he mentioned a couple of things that struck me as odd, in that they rang true and corresponded to the patterns I have been seeing. So they must be true. People like me would pick up on this right away, but it's odd to hear an actor repeating it. He did couch it in vague terms, like a duck in a prayer shawl, but it still quacked. He alluded to the areas of the flood and their history in a magical context. For centuries New Orleans areas have been the sites of magical operations. Voodoo in de swamp, boss. Plenty bad jew-jew here.
Anybody with a history of magic will have tapped into the forces that like to swirl around the deltas of big rivers. It's a heck of a heap of power there. That fertile delta corresponds to the pubic region of the Body Magical. It's why the Egyptians did so well, like the Babylonians and many others. We like to hang out near Her crotch, except when we are told by the Father to go out and kill something. Most magic in Voodoo calls for complex symbolic gatherings, like Black Cat oil and Goofer dust. Black Cat oil is obviously part of the Bastet sect and I suggest that the term "Goofer dust" may be a twisted version of another Egyptian sect's magic, If we knew how to spell it we could plug it into our Jewish decoder ring and figure out which deity was involved. But I digress.
There was always magic in the delta and as such there was always a lot of ways to contact the Deity you wanted. The bad old gods liked blood, like YHWH loved that sweet smell of burning flesh. You knew he used to be a volcano god, didn't you? Fire and brimstone, screaming minions crying out loud and beating their breasts. So in deltas you either get to see a fertility god, a planting god, a water god or some other kind of fertile arena. Then you have the hurricanes and that's also a water god, like Neptune. Neptune features big on the New Orleans Mardi Gras. He floats on by throwing out fake gold and silver while the menions get drunk and have sex in dark alleys or cheap hotels. All of which has recently gotten flooded and knocked down by high winds.
What's the possibility that two or more deities could have a tiff in an area of strong magical power and the resulting fight would bring up incredible winds and fires and knocked down houses, floods and dying critters, including humans?
So the Pres calls for more sacrifice, doesn't care who goes down, who dies, who bleeds... as long as there is plenty of it. He says out loud we need more sacrifices and when the storm breaks over the heads of the children in New Orleans.... by the thousands they die. And the Pres gets to feed his God a rich full meal while knocking down and flooding certain locations of strong magical power. It's exactly what would happen if a group of people who were raised as demi-gods by their rich parents, learned about certain rituals while growing up and attending schools with neat clubs like the Skull and Crossbones, calling on the forces connected by blood sacrifice to attain great power and wealth, wanted to make that God even more powerful. They would call for more sacrifice, they would lie with every breath, they would arrange for real crappy responses to calamities to ensure lots of human sacrifices and they would appear to be acting on another set of rules. Why else would you put the roommate of an old friend with no experience in catastrophe management in charge of FEMA? To make sure people died. For years they have been avoiding making the city safe. They let the levees wear down, they have studies done to make sure they understood exactly how to make the city safe and then do the opposite. They repeatedly call out the name of their God while the blood flows and the children wail. More sacrifices. The WTC wasn't enough, apparently. It was sloppy and small. Besides, what's the chance that a fuel-filled jetliner would take out two of the biggest buildings in the world, killing everybody onboard and inside?
So what we have here, according to the patterns I see, is a two tiered (at least) event. On one level you have the sacrificing of animals, people and cities, and on another level you have forces resembling the Goddess engaged in combat with forces of the God and the near total destruction of a city, several cities, in fact, but the Big Easy is more important because it was the site of much involved with the Goddess.
Back in the day when Mom was big, in the Mideast which was called back then "the World", they had these places with big trees, priestess who gave out sex as therapy and magical ritual feeding the Great Mother. There was music in the air and good food and no real boundaries except to try not to hurt anyone. You got happy feet. YHWH got upset, because in part He had this Great Idea that He was the one true God (in spite of his lying) and so His wife should have sex with only Him. When he wasn't screwing his daughters and sons. So they fought. History has records of many of these fights. The Greeks were lousy with stories of Gods fighting their wives and lovers and Goddesses rewarding young men and women with great powers and great responsibilities. Maybe She told the God that He had to take responsibility for His actions and that's when the fight started. That's when He wiped out 99% of Her temples and trees and Her Ladies in Waiting. That's when we had to worship Him or get our town wiped out and our women raped and our children sold off to slavery. Like when our children are going to be paying off a multi-trillion dollar debt we incurred by dropping many, many bombs on another Goddess rich arena. Crushing debt was often the path to slavery. Here in America we called it indentured servitude. Now we call it Chapter 13 or deficit spending.
So all those sites had floodwaters poured over them and silt and sand and corpses floating past. And the Pres says to Michael Brown, "Yer doin' a great job, Brownie." A brownie is a treat you eat. Michael means, "Who is like God". And the sacrifice is something Michael did recently by taking the first bullet and leaving his well paid public position to take on another well paid situation equally beyond his pitiful abilities.
Oddly enough, "George" means "earthworker", or even "farmer". Go Figure.
During the celestial combat "Dick" Cheney, the two time failure in college and mastermind of the Cheney-Bush regime, was vacationing, coming out of his temple only long enough to run down to the flood and gaze at the bodies floating in the tainted waters of the delta. Curiously enough, Richard means: "brave power", derived from the Germanic elements ric "power, rule" and hard "brave, hardy".
So we have a President whose name means farmer or earthworker, a seedy mysterious Vice-President whose name means brave power and ya gotta wonder why nobody sees a pattern there..... all those calls for additional sacrifices, all those messy bodies in Baghdad and New Orleans.... all that pious posturing, that born-again attitude that screams for a face slap. No, I don't think they worship a dead radical rabbi. It's pretty obvious who and what they hold dear and it's an old time religion for sure.
There is a way, though. There's always a Way. Once you know the general name and situation around a God, you can counter Him. You don't do it with strength and destruction when the deity is a God of destruction and sacrifice. You do it with distraction. You crawl into their beds at night and seduce them and 'corrupt' their priests. You fuck em to death if you have to. Like Bill Clinton, whose name means: wil "will, desire" and helm "helmet, protection" and you could say there is an implication there that old William Clinton desires head. or protection. Maybe a nice textured latex condom.
The Free Love movement had a lot to do with the last big war we had as well as the plague of AIDS. Point-counter point, tit for tat. So calling on the Goddess works, but you need to be careful that the counter to your calling is not so obvious. All you need to do is Call on Her in Her three-faced mode. That's a good circle of power to tap into and it covers youngsters, whores and wives, and Death. She's the one we need to stop this killing, and She's the one who can do it. I figure there's a 100% chance it can be done this Way.
The continuing story of a father/husband/artist/caregiver. All parts of this blog may be quoted, linked to, whatever so long as you give me credit for my words.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Friday, September 09, 2005
All the sounds in my life
I stand against the house on the kitchen porch, standing really still as before me finches, nuthatches, woodpeckers and hummingbirds buzz back and forth. Buzzing in my ears and a breeze on my cheek as the chickadees ignore me in their flight path, as if I were a statue and for the moment I am. The flitting and buzzing and the hum of the bees nearby occupy my ALL for a brief eternity. That's what an epiphany is: a brief eternity. What you bring back from the trip is more or less up to you.
And all this noise as I crunch across the sand in the kitchen on the floor near the boots and it crunches all over the damn floor. Why don't I stop getting distracted and vacuum the floor and damp mop it? oh sigh. The distant drone of commercial TVland like when I was sleeping on Mom and Dad's couch. Dad listening to another rerun of Leave it to Beaver and me listening to him breathe. No oxygen again, he says it makes him weak or sick or something. I think it's just him dying but it's not going to hurt him that much, I'm thinking, while he's just sleeping. The cucuclocks start going off one by one, you program the room that way so you can hear each one, but by now you don't hear them, they're just background noise, like your breathing.
The sound of water splashing often takes me back to when you tossed me into the Colorado to teach me to swim. You figuring that since I liked to walk along the water's edge I should swim. You were a great swimmer, you used to give me rides in the public pool down in Yuma. I loved those rides, because I couldn't float and this was the only way I could move fast in the water. Otherwise I'd spend so much energy trying to stay afloat that I'd give myself an asthma attack and start in sinking. I knew from cartoons that if you went under 3 times, you'd die. It was like a watery curse. I counted 2 many a time. As it turned out, Dad got in to hold me up and try to teach me how to do various strokes. Kinda nice, no doubt, but also kinda wasted time because all the strokes assumed you were floating, or capable of floating. I tried them all and it was like a thin, pinkish-white torpedo lurching thru the water as the power in the props gave out and it settles down to the ocean depths, an arch of frustration. I knew where I had to start out to try these strokes so that I wasn't so far under the water that I couldn't still reach up and grab the edge and pull myself up.
The sound of Dad in the water, laughing, Dad by the ocean, digging for clams, laughing.
Me on the phone telling you about all the birds, all the colors and sounds. Dad tells me again that he had brought home a roadrunner once and that was why he called his business "Roadrunner Land Surveying". I always thought it was because a roadrunner once killed a rattler that I was about to pet because I was 3 and it was wagging it's tail at me. The roadrunner rushed in like a whisper, grabbed the snake and beat it on a rock and then ran off why it. Mom came out in time to see the roadrunner but I'm not sure I could have made her understand what had just happened, so probably Dad's story is the right one. He liked mine, though, made him laugh.
I stand against the house on the kitchen porch, standing really still as before me finches, nuthatches, woodpeckers and hummingbirds buzz back and forth. Buzzing in my ears and a breeze on my cheek as the chickadees ignore me in their flight path, as if I were a statue and for the moment I am. The flitting and buzzing and the hum of the bees nearby occupy my ALL for a brief eternity. That's what an epiphany is: a brief eternity. What you bring back from the trip is more or less up to you.
And all this noise as I crunch across the sand in the kitchen on the floor near the boots and it crunches all over the damn floor. Why don't I stop getting distracted and vacuum the floor and damp mop it? oh sigh. The distant drone of commercial TVland like when I was sleeping on Mom and Dad's couch. Dad listening to another rerun of Leave it to Beaver and me listening to him breathe. No oxygen again, he says it makes him weak or sick or something. I think it's just him dying but it's not going to hurt him that much, I'm thinking, while he's just sleeping. The cucuclocks start going off one by one, you program the room that way so you can hear each one, but by now you don't hear them, they're just background noise, like your breathing.
The sound of water splashing often takes me back to when you tossed me into the Colorado to teach me to swim. You figuring that since I liked to walk along the water's edge I should swim. You were a great swimmer, you used to give me rides in the public pool down in Yuma. I loved those rides, because I couldn't float and this was the only way I could move fast in the water. Otherwise I'd spend so much energy trying to stay afloat that I'd give myself an asthma attack and start in sinking. I knew from cartoons that if you went under 3 times, you'd die. It was like a watery curse. I counted 2 many a time. As it turned out, Dad got in to hold me up and try to teach me how to do various strokes. Kinda nice, no doubt, but also kinda wasted time because all the strokes assumed you were floating, or capable of floating. I tried them all and it was like a thin, pinkish-white torpedo lurching thru the water as the power in the props gave out and it settles down to the ocean depths, an arch of frustration. I knew where I had to start out to try these strokes so that I wasn't so far under the water that I couldn't still reach up and grab the edge and pull myself up.
The sound of Dad in the water, laughing, Dad by the ocean, digging for clams, laughing.
Me on the phone telling you about all the birds, all the colors and sounds. Dad tells me again that he had brought home a roadrunner once and that was why he called his business "Roadrunner Land Surveying". I always thought it was because a roadrunner once killed a rattler that I was about to pet because I was 3 and it was wagging it's tail at me. The roadrunner rushed in like a whisper, grabbed the snake and beat it on a rock and then ran off why it. Mom came out in time to see the roadrunner but I'm not sure I could have made her understand what had just happened, so probably Dad's story is the right one. He liked mine, though, made him laugh.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
I was standing in the living room, looking out across the lowlands, at all the trees gently swaying, the pines towering behind like green rocky mountains.... and being an artist, I began to pick out the patterns of color, denoting different stands of trees by species. They looked distantly like a latch-hook rug I'd seen once, maybe in my living room. That made me think of that living room and the parties I'd had when all my friends would come and have fun in my living room... and, of course I was still in a living room, if one included the trees, like my friends. Well, truth be told, I think of the trees as my friends, and now all my friends have children and their children and so forth and go forth.
So there's all these families out there, each doing their thing. There's a new kid, a weeping willow by the culvert, and he's getting big for his age. I kept trying to get one started on the other side nearest the house, but they never took. Probably the runoff from the road.
All those families just outside, each doing things and tossing off kids, all breathing in some way or another, and I hear sending out chemical patterns which could be communication. They were complex enough to carry as much information as a dolphin's sqeal. It could be a cacapohy of chemical, and maybe positional, communications, like the birds when the sun comes up. That's the best time of the day, when the dew is rising and the birds are just chattering away. But I digress.
It's the sight of all these faces, all these families, dependent upon one another for so much, and me, just over the rise, spreading my trash their direction. I have a leach field, which has got to gross.. or not. It may seem like a great vein of vitamen ore... vitamen O. Oh, I don't know.
But still, all those faces, like the faces of the people down in that city with bodies floating past and young men staying to save a pupy, sending his children ahead with his sweetheart.
Lately I have been finding myself introducing myself to various parts of my yard, carefully leaving behind evidence of my having been there in the form of breath, body heat, and vibration. If one was a true pagan working under the assuption of a Mother of Life, then I'm surrounded by siblings. There's a distinct possiblity of my proteins residing in the cells of those faces, like old photos of Belle Starr looking like my Dad in sepia skirts. "Yo, Bro! Nice, looking petals! Very nice." and so forth, and go forth.
So maybe waste going through the body of the Mother of Life Herself becomes Life for my brothers, sisters and others? Amazing, like shit flowing downhill will eventually become compost. Just don't eat the mushrooms. But there you see it, in both reality and symbol: Nawlins the great is dead. Anything coming after will be a pale, sickly, addled version of itelf. But the soil of the flesh of our mother is like the tides, ruled by the same forces and given to the same rages... things change, and they never can be what they were, but they will always be what they were, that's been done. Now we'll see if something can be done with the ripples.
Gee, if I hadn't been reading the Kyballion and watching the Pirates of the Caribbean, I woulda missed it. There's this scene where the gold coin of the Aztecs hits the water and a big "whooom" goes off, they show the wave going out thru the water and, apparently thru the air, it made me think of the 3 dimensional nature of the wave and the fact that I could Hear the wave, See the wave, in both waterous and airborne forms, but I could never see all the dimensions of the wave, because my Knowlege depends on my ability to Understand. Ya gotta think for knowlege to make sense. I guess that's why I keep thinking about it, and the idea that my grand dad Tate died from pneumonia he got after helping out in the flood of the Ohio.
And Dad gathering up the bodies in India, the boiled and torn bodies floating in the bay. And Nawlins got hit so hard all at once that there weren't even enough people to kill to satisfy the wind. So the Earth coughed up her dead again and now there newly dead are floating alongside the long dead, and just to show you that times have gotten worse, the long dead have nicer clothes! And a boat.
So my hands shake and I have to think but not think and not try to put myself in all those shoes, but...
looking out at all those families I wonder, I knew that when the flood came, the little valley would flood, but not my house. But all those familes would get drowned and uprooted. And they already have, all over the earth. It's call multi-dimensional transmigration and don't you worry about a thing! It's the natural Order of Things under the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. Yup, the same Law which disproves evolution and by disproving evolution, things can only get worse from here and the dead shall walk again. Or just float by in a nice suit in a nice box. I am sure that in the long run it will be all sepia toned like an old photo of a family gathering. The last before the flood came or the turn of the century, or the turn of the screw...
There's a cricket in the basment, like a loudmouth Archie or not maybe he's saying something very significant, something in ascii and I've gone to gui. Gone to gooey. I get that when I wash too many dishes all at once. It's good to know when to stop.
So there's all these families out there, each doing their thing. There's a new kid, a weeping willow by the culvert, and he's getting big for his age. I kept trying to get one started on the other side nearest the house, but they never took. Probably the runoff from the road.
All those families just outside, each doing things and tossing off kids, all breathing in some way or another, and I hear sending out chemical patterns which could be communication. They were complex enough to carry as much information as a dolphin's sqeal. It could be a cacapohy of chemical, and maybe positional, communications, like the birds when the sun comes up. That's the best time of the day, when the dew is rising and the birds are just chattering away. But I digress.
It's the sight of all these faces, all these families, dependent upon one another for so much, and me, just over the rise, spreading my trash their direction. I have a leach field, which has got to gross.. or not. It may seem like a great vein of vitamen ore... vitamen O. Oh, I don't know.
But still, all those faces, like the faces of the people down in that city with bodies floating past and young men staying to save a pupy, sending his children ahead with his sweetheart.
Lately I have been finding myself introducing myself to various parts of my yard, carefully leaving behind evidence of my having been there in the form of breath, body heat, and vibration. If one was a true pagan working under the assuption of a Mother of Life, then I'm surrounded by siblings. There's a distinct possiblity of my proteins residing in the cells of those faces, like old photos of Belle Starr looking like my Dad in sepia skirts. "Yo, Bro! Nice, looking petals! Very nice." and so forth, and go forth.
So maybe waste going through the body of the Mother of Life Herself becomes Life for my brothers, sisters and others? Amazing, like shit flowing downhill will eventually become compost. Just don't eat the mushrooms. But there you see it, in both reality and symbol: Nawlins the great is dead. Anything coming after will be a pale, sickly, addled version of itelf. But the soil of the flesh of our mother is like the tides, ruled by the same forces and given to the same rages... things change, and they never can be what they were, but they will always be what they were, that's been done. Now we'll see if something can be done with the ripples.
Gee, if I hadn't been reading the Kyballion and watching the Pirates of the Caribbean, I woulda missed it. There's this scene where the gold coin of the Aztecs hits the water and a big "whooom" goes off, they show the wave going out thru the water and, apparently thru the air, it made me think of the 3 dimensional nature of the wave and the fact that I could Hear the wave, See the wave, in both waterous and airborne forms, but I could never see all the dimensions of the wave, because my Knowlege depends on my ability to Understand. Ya gotta think for knowlege to make sense. I guess that's why I keep thinking about it, and the idea that my grand dad Tate died from pneumonia he got after helping out in the flood of the Ohio.
And Dad gathering up the bodies in India, the boiled and torn bodies floating in the bay. And Nawlins got hit so hard all at once that there weren't even enough people to kill to satisfy the wind. So the Earth coughed up her dead again and now there newly dead are floating alongside the long dead, and just to show you that times have gotten worse, the long dead have nicer clothes! And a boat.
So my hands shake and I have to think but not think and not try to put myself in all those shoes, but...
looking out at all those families I wonder, I knew that when the flood came, the little valley would flood, but not my house. But all those familes would get drowned and uprooted. And they already have, all over the earth. It's call multi-dimensional transmigration and don't you worry about a thing! It's the natural Order of Things under the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. Yup, the same Law which disproves evolution and by disproving evolution, things can only get worse from here and the dead shall walk again. Or just float by in a nice suit in a nice box. I am sure that in the long run it will be all sepia toned like an old photo of a family gathering. The last before the flood came or the turn of the century, or the turn of the screw...
There's a cricket in the basment, like a loudmouth Archie or not maybe he's saying something very significant, something in ascii and I've gone to gui. Gone to gooey. I get that when I wash too many dishes all at once. It's good to know when to stop.
Friday, September 02, 2005
(Entropy): It is impossible to obtain a process that, operating in cycle, produces no other effect than the subtraction of a positive amount of heat from a reservoir and the production of an equal amount of work.
This is the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. I put it up there so I could get into a very curious bit of 'logical thinking' I have stumbled upon. Quite some time ago I got into the habit of reading online news from around the planet, just to get a broad perspective. Well I looked at an Islamic site to see what they were saying about the world and there was this article which 'proved' that evolution was impossible by using established science. The concept was that scientific Law discredited the 'theory' of evolution. They were crowing about how ignorant we were regarding our own science and in their statements was the one that went something like "The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics clearly states that chaos comes from order, whereas evolutionary theory states that life came from chaos and then became ordered." Brilliant. Like many ignorant people they take a concept from one branch of science and try to apply it to another. This is why people cannot figure out so many things about physics when they move from Newtonian physics to Relativity physics. Different set of rules.
Now, in my opinion evolution never said anything about order/disorder/chaos. What I understand evolution to present is that living things change, usually from environmental changes, and when those changes promote survival and cause changes in the DNA, those new changes may be passed on to their offspring. Thus it is entirely possible for a complex living organism to simplify itself under the correct environmental changes. For instance, if we declare a human being to be a complex living organism, then we can see that when society collapses, as in New Orleans after the hurricane, many people began to act more like cro-magnon man, swinging clubs, snorting after rotted food and raping various women. Or even if you look at death you see that the symbiotic relationship between the various living components of the human break down into their basic parts and crawl off into the soil to do their thing as bacteria and raw chemicals. That is very much like entropy, and entropy is part of the 2nd Law, so people get the idea that living things are primarily governed by the Laws of Thermodynamics.
It's so disturbing to see such 3rd century thinking in an otherwise 21st century culture. But then these are people who believe that when a woman is raped she has committed sex outside of marriage, which is adultry and is punished by stoning to death. These are the people who show mercy towards the rapee by forcing her to marry her rapist. So it's disturbing but not unexpected.
Last weekend I was at a birthday party for a friend's little girl. Her uncle was there, an old friend I used to visit with and play Runequest with. Somehow we got to talking about Islamist extremists and I brought up this crazy idea they were promoting that the 2nd Law cancelled out evolution. The man sat there with a thoughtful look and said, "That makes sense to me. Things go from order to chaos, entropy.... and evolution states that simple forms of life become complex forms and that's the opposite or entropy... so yeah I can see that." This is a man with a 21st century job programming shows for the Fox station in town.
Okay, what happens when you mix chemistry with biology, or biology with nuclear physics, or apples and oranges? It all depends. If you are talking about fruit, then apples and oranges and even tomatoes can be grouped together. They have similar properties. So do the berries from a Dolls-eye plant, but if you say "Fruit are healthy for you to eat every day," and you include Dolls-eyes as fruit.... which they certainly are.... you will die a painful death. So it's important to remember context. It is possible to use chaos theory to describe the movements of people in a crowd.... for certain things, but if you think that you can deal with your neighbor by using chaos theory, you will get nowhere!
In one context I am sitting here typing with my fingers making communication with somebody else. In another context there is a complex set of energies interacting in a chaotic manner according to the laws of relativity. If I stand on a moving train car and project something out ahead of me, it's speed is that of the train plus however much speed I put on it, allowing for air resistance, gravity, and other forces acting on it. But if the thing I project is a beam of light, it's speed is constant, right? Wrong. I once answered a question in science class correctly and got it marked wrong. The question was "What is the speed of light?" and I answered, "It depends." During the argument I showed the teacher that the speed of light is usually stated as 186,000 mps in a vacuum, but it varies as it is modified by it's environment, such as moving through a piece of glass or a mile of sea water. I failed the test, but I feel I made the point. It all depends on the environment.
If you wanted to prove that I was touching a brick wall you could argue that since I was leaning at a 45 degree angle against the wall, I must be touching it. But to PROVE it you would have to define what you meant by 'touching', what you meant by 'wall' and what you meant by 'me'. Seriously, I am a set of energy fields with no real boundries, and so is the wall. In theory I should be able to pass through the wall. In fact there are those who would argue that this question cannot be answered if by touching you mean coming in contact with the wall, since the wall is mostly a vacuum holding energy fields and I might merge slightly with the general region which we refer to as 'wall' and never would a single electron of mine smash into a single electron of the wall. There are others who might say that my perception of the wall and my perception of my body is what prevents me from passing through the wall. It's all relative.
So here's a guy with a reasonably good education who thinks that evolution is proven false by the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, and creationism must be taught alongside evolution in a science class to which the future movers and shakers of this country will attend. He stopped talking to me when I disagreed with him on these points. He considers me to be an ignorant person who can't think clearly... so sad, such a waste.
There are a lot of ways to phrase various Laws of physics and biology and even the term 'Law' changes depending on it's context. Since we cannot 'prove' anything beyond our own mind, we really can't prove evolution or the General Relativity Theory. But I am not an one celled living organism floating in a primordial ooze, and the nuclear weapon which vaporized Nagasaki worked just fine. I just can't wrap my head around why people want to be so pig headedly stupid and cherry-pick their terms in what they claim is a logical process establishing a point they already believed. They don't test their theory or try to understand an opposing one. They tell you to shut up and return to watching baseball on Fox.
I know I shouldn't expect people to want to debate rather than argue, but I know a doctor, a devout Muslim, and he delights in debating and testing ideas. He says it is part of his culture. After all, didn't Arabs give the world zero and algebra? They are deep thinkers. What about Osama? "He's an idiot defaming the name of Islam in order to reach out and grab power for himself!" Sounds logical to me. Our beloved Bush is an idiot defaming the name of Jesus in order to grab power for himself...
Evolution also has the concept that when a living organism cannot change in the face of a changing environment that organism will most likely die. Trouble is that in the case of the aforementioned Osama and Bush, they will take many thousands of people with them. That's evolution though, and as Rumsfeld would say if he understood enough about the subject to make a comment, "Evolution is messy business and sometimes innocent people get hurt."
This is the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. I put it up there so I could get into a very curious bit of 'logical thinking' I have stumbled upon. Quite some time ago I got into the habit of reading online news from around the planet, just to get a broad perspective. Well I looked at an Islamic site to see what they were saying about the world and there was this article which 'proved' that evolution was impossible by using established science. The concept was that scientific Law discredited the 'theory' of evolution. They were crowing about how ignorant we were regarding our own science and in their statements was the one that went something like "The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics clearly states that chaos comes from order, whereas evolutionary theory states that life came from chaos and then became ordered." Brilliant. Like many ignorant people they take a concept from one branch of science and try to apply it to another. This is why people cannot figure out so many things about physics when they move from Newtonian physics to Relativity physics. Different set of rules.
Now, in my opinion evolution never said anything about order/disorder/chaos. What I understand evolution to present is that living things change, usually from environmental changes, and when those changes promote survival and cause changes in the DNA, those new changes may be passed on to their offspring. Thus it is entirely possible for a complex living organism to simplify itself under the correct environmental changes. For instance, if we declare a human being to be a complex living organism, then we can see that when society collapses, as in New Orleans after the hurricane, many people began to act more like cro-magnon man, swinging clubs, snorting after rotted food and raping various women. Or even if you look at death you see that the symbiotic relationship between the various living components of the human break down into their basic parts and crawl off into the soil to do their thing as bacteria and raw chemicals. That is very much like entropy, and entropy is part of the 2nd Law, so people get the idea that living things are primarily governed by the Laws of Thermodynamics.
It's so disturbing to see such 3rd century thinking in an otherwise 21st century culture. But then these are people who believe that when a woman is raped she has committed sex outside of marriage, which is adultry and is punished by stoning to death. These are the people who show mercy towards the rapee by forcing her to marry her rapist. So it's disturbing but not unexpected.
Last weekend I was at a birthday party for a friend's little girl. Her uncle was there, an old friend I used to visit with and play Runequest with. Somehow we got to talking about Islamist extremists and I brought up this crazy idea they were promoting that the 2nd Law cancelled out evolution. The man sat there with a thoughtful look and said, "That makes sense to me. Things go from order to chaos, entropy.... and evolution states that simple forms of life become complex forms and that's the opposite or entropy... so yeah I can see that." This is a man with a 21st century job programming shows for the Fox station in town.
Okay, what happens when you mix chemistry with biology, or biology with nuclear physics, or apples and oranges? It all depends. If you are talking about fruit, then apples and oranges and even tomatoes can be grouped together. They have similar properties. So do the berries from a Dolls-eye plant, but if you say "Fruit are healthy for you to eat every day," and you include Dolls-eyes as fruit.... which they certainly are.... you will die a painful death. So it's important to remember context. It is possible to use chaos theory to describe the movements of people in a crowd.... for certain things, but if you think that you can deal with your neighbor by using chaos theory, you will get nowhere!
In one context I am sitting here typing with my fingers making communication with somebody else. In another context there is a complex set of energies interacting in a chaotic manner according to the laws of relativity. If I stand on a moving train car and project something out ahead of me, it's speed is that of the train plus however much speed I put on it, allowing for air resistance, gravity, and other forces acting on it. But if the thing I project is a beam of light, it's speed is constant, right? Wrong. I once answered a question in science class correctly and got it marked wrong. The question was "What is the speed of light?" and I answered, "It depends." During the argument I showed the teacher that the speed of light is usually stated as 186,000 mps in a vacuum, but it varies as it is modified by it's environment, such as moving through a piece of glass or a mile of sea water. I failed the test, but I feel I made the point. It all depends on the environment.
If you wanted to prove that I was touching a brick wall you could argue that since I was leaning at a 45 degree angle against the wall, I must be touching it. But to PROVE it you would have to define what you meant by 'touching', what you meant by 'wall' and what you meant by 'me'. Seriously, I am a set of energy fields with no real boundries, and so is the wall. In theory I should be able to pass through the wall. In fact there are those who would argue that this question cannot be answered if by touching you mean coming in contact with the wall, since the wall is mostly a vacuum holding energy fields and I might merge slightly with the general region which we refer to as 'wall' and never would a single electron of mine smash into a single electron of the wall. There are others who might say that my perception of the wall and my perception of my body is what prevents me from passing through the wall. It's all relative.
So here's a guy with a reasonably good education who thinks that evolution is proven false by the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, and creationism must be taught alongside evolution in a science class to which the future movers and shakers of this country will attend. He stopped talking to me when I disagreed with him on these points. He considers me to be an ignorant person who can't think clearly... so sad, such a waste.
There are a lot of ways to phrase various Laws of physics and biology and even the term 'Law' changes depending on it's context. Since we cannot 'prove' anything beyond our own mind, we really can't prove evolution or the General Relativity Theory. But I am not an one celled living organism floating in a primordial ooze, and the nuclear weapon which vaporized Nagasaki worked just fine. I just can't wrap my head around why people want to be so pig headedly stupid and cherry-pick their terms in what they claim is a logical process establishing a point they already believed. They don't test their theory or try to understand an opposing one. They tell you to shut up and return to watching baseball on Fox.
I know I shouldn't expect people to want to debate rather than argue, but I know a doctor, a devout Muslim, and he delights in debating and testing ideas. He says it is part of his culture. After all, didn't Arabs give the world zero and algebra? They are deep thinkers. What about Osama? "He's an idiot defaming the name of Islam in order to reach out and grab power for himself!" Sounds logical to me. Our beloved Bush is an idiot defaming the name of Jesus in order to grab power for himself...
Evolution also has the concept that when a living organism cannot change in the face of a changing environment that organism will most likely die. Trouble is that in the case of the aforementioned Osama and Bush, they will take many thousands of people with them. That's evolution though, and as Rumsfeld would say if he understood enough about the subject to make a comment, "Evolution is messy business and sometimes innocent people get hurt."
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